How to work with a copywriter like me

How to work with a copywriter like me

If you’ve considered emailing me to see if I can write for you, this article will show you how to work with a copywriter like me. Like every copywriter, I have my strengths and I have my weaknesses. Oh, and I can be fussy with the work I take on, which is a good...
13 ways to write better emails

13 ways to write better emails

If you want people to read your cold emails or newsletter, here’s the hard truth: you need to write better emails. People hate a message landing in their inbox that’s either boring or of no use to them whatsoever. So, instead of allowing your recipients to...
Why are copywriters so expensive?

Why are copywriters so expensive?

You say tomato. I say tomato. You say why are copywriters so expensive. I say, why are copywriters good value for money. The truth is, price is relative because one person’s bargain is another person’s, “I’m gonna need a loan.” Hand on...
ideal customer persona

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