Work with the best blog post copywriter!*
Why work with anyone else when you can work with a blog post writer who can create loads of ideas, refresh your old stuff and write brand-spanking-new blogs for your website?
*According to me

Do I need a blog post copywriter?
If any of these ring true, then yes.
- Don’t have time to write blog posts consistently
- Struggle to come up with new ideas
- Have no time to update old posts with more relevant content
- Don’t have a blog content strategy
- Have no idea how to create blog post clusters
Writing blog posts regularly not only shows your audience you’re the go-to voice in your industry, but it also drives traffic to your website if you have a strong SEO strategy
Work with me and I’ll fill every article with the POP! WHIZZ! BANG! energy you experienced the first time you threw Space Dust down your throat as a kid!
Check out my blog post writing services
Based on 800-1000-word posts, other prices are available, just ask!
You’ve got stuff to do, so one blog post per month is enough. That’s all I do myself.
One per month is enough and it doesn’t take up your time by posting about it on social media or in your newsletter.
Retainer price: only £350
Want to update your audience more often?
Then two blog posts per month will make your customers and search engines sit up and take notice.
Just think of the uptick in traffic!
Retainer price: only £650
Go blog post crazy: post one every week!
You’ll be everywhere on socials (by sharing them) and Google will stick a crown on your bonce.
There’ll be no stopping you!
Retainer price: from £1250
Hey, I’m Matt, a freelance blog post copywriter in Liverpool, UK
I’ve written blog posts about:
- Cricket bats
- Sustainability
- Boilers
- Food and drink
- On-pack marketing labels
- Mental health
- Premature ejaculation
I’ve even written LinkedIn articles for Beano about being a big kid.
If you want chatty, informative, researched, SEO-friendly blog posts that’ll set you apart from your competitors, you only get that by working with this guy.

Why you need a blog post writer
These fab clients did and they didn’t regret it!
“Matt produces hilarious, chatty articles dead fast. He’s so good, his first draft is pretty much spot on.”
“When I needed support for a client who needed chatty blog posts, Matt sprung to mind immediately!”
“No task is too much for Matt. He listens to feedback and goes out of his way for you. He’s incredible!”
Ready to work with the best blog post copywriter?
Let’s chat
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