Blog Post Writing
Show your expertise with consistent blog postsWant to start blogging more?
Keep your audience up to date with your latest news and Google happy; let me write blog posts for you. Prices are based on posts between 800-1000 words, but I can tailor your package to your word-length needs.
Reach more clients with my Super Blog Post Packges
How much I charge for blog post writing:

If you’re dead busy, one blog per month is enough. That’s pretty much what I do.
It keeps your blog fresh. You don’t have to fill out lots of briefs and posting them to social media is super quick!
Retainer price: from £300

Want to really ramp up your article output?
Then two blog posts per month will make your customers and search engines sit up and take notice.
You’ll get a super surge in traffic!
Retainer price: from £675

Go blog post bonkers with one post every week.
You’ll be everywhere on socials (by sharing them) and Google will think you’re bloody super!
There’ll be no stopping you!
Retainer price: from £1500
The benefits of hiring a super blog post writer
You don’t only get the blogs and the amazing benefits I mentioned at the top of the page, you also get me to do all this for you:
- I’ll write a social media post for you to announce your latest article
- Research keywords, keyphrases, semantic and long-tail keywords for each post
- Make sure it’s got strong SEO
- Create internally linked blog post clusters (which Google loves!)
- Do all the metadata gubbins
- Find free-to-use images that complement the post and your brand
Oh, and you also get to work with an experienced blog post copywriter who’s dead fun to work with and explains everything he’s doing and why it’ll work.
Awesome blog post clients
These top preeps needed blog post writing from me:
“Matt totally gets our chatty tone of voice. No job is too much trouble for him. He’s incredible!“
“Matt gets his head around tough subjects and is brilliant at bringing articles to life with punchy copy”.
“Matt turns around hilarious, chatty pun-tastic pieces for Dragon Soop dead fast.”
Get blog posts people want to read
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