Other Content Writing

Super-cool stuff that hooks your customers

What is content writing?

Content writing is the stuff you fill your website and marketing with. So, blog posts, case studies, newsletters, PDs, etc. Prices are a guide, I add little discounts on multiple projects/content.

Product Desc.

Do your product descriptions sound flat, dull and a bit meh?

Then let’s jazz ’em up and make them sound so amazing, customers won’t be able to resist buying your stuff!

Price: £110 per PD


Send regular newsletter updates to your subscribers? Or want to set up an email flow or course?

These things take ages, so  let me take care of your email copywriting.

Price from: £125

Case Studies

If you really want to showcase how kick-ass your business is, do it with incredible case studies.

Let’s give ’em some real, actual proof of how what you do works!

Price from: £425

Social Media

Want to start posting more on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (not calling it X)?

Then your content has to be so incredible, it makes people stop and read.

Price: £65 per post

Other content writing services

I offer loads of other content writing services, including Press Releases, Slogans, Jingles – and more.

If you want to work with me on a retainer, we can also discuss a monthly fee. Or you can buy out a block of my time at an hourly or daily rate.

To see what’s involved, including contracts, deposits and more, visit my How It Works page.

Should I hire a content writer?

These people answered yes and they’re glad they did:

I don’t trust many people to write content the way I do but Matt hits it out of the park every time.”

Cat Townsend

The Good Alliance

“When I needed support for a client with a chatty tone of voice, Matt sprung to mind immediately!”

Dave Harland

The Word Man

“Matt turns around hilarious, chatty pun-tastic pieces for Dragon Soop dead fast.

Caroline Constable

Clink Creative

Why you need a content writer

No faff

No more tedium of hiring, onboarding, training and retaining staff – a freelancer is faster and cheaper.

More eyeballs

Get people to stop and look at your marketing and you can turn them into customers.

More sales

More customers means more sales. You’re in business to make money. Don’t let it pass you by.

Sound mint

You’re mint, so let me help you stamp your personality all over your website, social and branding.

Wanna work with a fun brand copywriter?

Let's chat - book your FREE consultation now!

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