How to improve my website

Okay, an odd way to begin an article called, ‘How to improve my website‘, but here goes.

“Your hair is fine the way it is. It doesn’t need changing.”

That was my Mum in 1988, I was seven and like all the cool kids, I had a mullet.

Imagine if I’d taken her words literally and never changed. I’d have a mullet now.

improve my website

It’s the same with your business.

A new year always feels like a good time to make changes. So, whether you’re reading this as you wolf down turkey or you’re reading on a beach in the middle of summer, I’ve put together a few things you can do to improve your website to give your customers a much better experience.


How to improve my website for visitors

If you already do these, fab!

If not, make these changes now and improve your website:


One. Refresh the words on your website

Make them about your customers and less about you.

Yes, if you’re a regular reader, you’re probably sick of me banging on about this, but your customers are only interested in what you can do for them – not how you were the under-11s inter-schools pole vaulting champion.

For more on this, check out my post: Why Nobody Cares About You.

Or, if you’re ready to start creating great content, have a peek at, 15 ways to write in a chatty tone of voice (with examples) and How to improve my website copy.


Two. Make it easy to navigate

Freshen up the links in your navbar, get rid of stuff that’s outdated or irrelevant. Make things easy to find, get rid of the clutter so your visitors can see the essential stuff you want them to find easily.

For nav bar tips, check out my article, 7 Easy Ways To Optimise Your Website Navigation Bar.


Three. Make your website mobile-friendly 

chatty tone of voice copywriter

Ain’t no one reading your stuff if it looks shit on a phone, and I should know.

An update knocked my page widths out of whack on my blog posts and it wasn’t fixable until I dug deep into the coding. 

Check your website on multiple mobile phones to make sure it looks how it should.


Four. Add sharing and social buttons

Give people the option to show others how great your stuff is – and make it easier for you to share your latest news immediately.

You’ll drive traffic to your website by merely sharing stuff on social media.


Five. Improve your SEO

If you run a business, don’t neglect your SEO. You need people to find you organically, and the best way is by optimising your website for search engines.

Ensure you’re ranking for the keywords your customers are typing into Google, Bing and the rest.

Muscle your way to page one on search engines, check out my post 24 awesome ways to optimise SEO for blog posts.


Six. Use better images

improve your website

Customers love visuals.

Make sure yours complements your business. Optimise them so they don’t take forever and a day to load, and make sure they’re of good quality.


Seven. Get a proper domain name

Having or similar tacked on the end of your address looks shite.

Make your outfit look professional and shell out for an original domain name.


Eight. Cut the crap

Get rid of the jargon and keep things simple.

My blog post, 7 Ways To Master Short Copy, shows you how.


Nine. Add testimonials.

So easy to forget, but a bit of social proof from happy customers goes a long way to persuading others to use your services or buy your products.


Ten. Include Case Studies

Want to know what’s better than testimonials?

Case studies!

A case study is an in-depth look at the problem your customer had, what you did and the incredible results you got for them.

Testimonials are great, but case studies are much better.

For more, check out, Why you need case study copywriting.


Eleven. Use internal links

Don’t let visitors click away, give them a reason to stay (sorry, that rhyme wasn’t intentional).

You’ll notice in this blog post I’ve linked to other helpful posts. This is so I can help you improve your business and keep you on my site.

Don’t feel like doing this is dishonest or sneaky, it isn’t.

If you can keep somebody on your website and make them feel you have their best interests at heart, you’ve taken the first steps in building a great customer relationship.


Twelve. Add Sign-Up Forms


Whether it’s to a newsletter or an update when you write a new blog, adding a sign-up form will grow your audience.

And give them an incentive by offering a giveaway when they sign up.

This could be a ‘How To‘ guide or a discount on your services.


Thirteen. Include a contact form on every page

A copywriter on LinkedIn disagreed with me on this.

I ignored them.

You never know what page a potential customer will land on.

Sure, include a separate contact page, but before they have time to change their mind about getting in touch, give them the chance to do it there and then.


Get more traffic to your website

Make these changes and Google will look at them and, if it deems them positive, it could boost your SEO ranking, get you higher up in search engines and send traffic to your website.

You can do loads of things to make your website better and give your customers an enjoyable user experience – these are just for starters.

However, if you need to do loads and don’t have time, check out my Services and get in touch to see how I can improve your website.

Until next time,


PS. Mullets rule!

PPS. Not really.

chatty tone of voice copywriter

Written by Matt Drzymala

Hey, I’m Matt, a chatty tone of voice copywriter in Liverpool. I specialise in writing laid-back, fun or conversational copy for businesses that want to sound like somebody with a pulse runs their business, not a robot – like my dream client, Beano, who I worked with in 2023.

If you want to see more of my stuff, check me out daily on LinkedIn.

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